Sunday, March 14, 2021

Top visiting Piazza Navona tourist attraction in Rome, Italy.


Piazza Navona | Navona Square, Rome
Piazza Navona

One of the most popular places in Rome is Piazza Navona. In the first century, this public square was renamed the Domitian Stadium. Which at one time were used in various athletic competitions.

At that time Piazza Navona was known as one of the notable examples of art from the eighties. King Baroque Roman, who ruled here from 1744 to 1855. The palace we see in front of the piazza is basically known as his family building. The palace is called Palazzo Pamphili.

Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi in piazza Navona

Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi
Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi

Built right in the middle of the Piazza Navona, the Fontana de Quatro Fimai is a fountain of four rivers. It was designed by Bernini in 1651. The four statues we see here represent the continents, which are the most important rivers in the Christian religion; Such as the Blue, Danube, Ganges and Rio de la Plata. An opalisk measuring 52 feet (16 m) in the middle, which was originally part of Maxentius' circus, was found in the Appian Way Regional Park.

Fontana del Moro - Piazza Navona, Rome - Travel Through Italy

Fontana del Moro - Piazza Navona,
Fontana del Moro

This Moore portrait was sculpted by Giacomo della Porta and later completed by Bernini, the fountain originally known as the "Seychelles Fountain". This fountain is located on the south side of the square of Piaz Novona.

Fountain of Neptune (Fontana di Nettuno)

Fountain of Neptune
Fountain of Neptune

The Fontana del Nettuno (Fountain of Neptune) was built by Giacomo della Porta in 1574, but remained almost unfinished until about 1800, when it was designed by Antonio della Bitta and Gregorio Japali.

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